What fun it is to see the Halloween spirit around our office today, along with during the commute in to work this morning. Many homes near our head office are decked out for trick or treating festivities and look incredible!
In fact, one of our staff members has gone all out in decorating his family home's yard this year. Each Halloween the scene changes and wows visitors from far and wide.
This year is no exception! Once again Simon, with the help of others, has outdone himself. Despite the powerful winds we have had in Calgary this October, he has still managed to create a spooky domain sure to delight. A shame the weather has blown the display down twice and destroyed some large pieces, but it still looks fantastic. Well done we say!
And to add to the fun, some staff from our office will be participating in theatrics at his residence tonight... delighting and scaring all of the little "ghouls and goblins".
Is your office or neighbourhood in the Halloween spirit? Kudos to those that are, as with the spirit of Halloween comes community and teamwork!
The team at Ocean Sales wishes everyone a safe Halloween filled with laughs, scares, thrills and chills.
May your adventures create memories to last a lifetime... BOO!